Friday, October 23, 2015

My favorite part of Monster House was.... One thing that I would change would be....

My favorite part of Monster House was when the cops show up. I thought that they added a lot of humor and they were really funny. They always seemed to show up right before really intense scenes, so we knew that when they showed up, something really important was about to happen.

The one thing that I would change would be that we would find out if Jenny, Chowder and DJ all stay friends or not. Maybe we will find out if there is a Monster House 2!!


  1. Mr.Morgan
    I thought you did a really nice job. I argee with you on if Jenny , DJ and Chowder stay friends.

  2. Mr.Morgen
    I like your story.Me to

  3. Mr.Morgan,
    I think that Genny, Chowder and DJ should stay friends but i don't think they will come out with a second monster house because this movie has been out for quite some time now but who knows.
    Alexander K.

    1. I would agree, they are probably not going to be coming out with another one, unfortunately!!

  4. Mr.Morgan
    I really enjoyed the part when the cops showed up, but I thought when Jenny, Chowder, and DJ fought the house was better. It would be awesome if we would be able to find out what happens to the friendship of Jenny, DJ, and Chowder. I also would love it if they made Monster House 2.

  5. Mr. mogan your story is awesome good job the cops
    are funny Jacob Vaughn

  6. Mr Morgan I don't think there will be a monster house two because it has been awhile and why would they make a second one if it is far past the year they made the first one.
    Laney S.
